What Is A Dedicated Server?

Learning about the basics of a dedicated server might be confusing at a first pace without having much knowledge about its working. But, once you scroll down to its working and all the other details, there will be no confusion left anymore.

We all have heard of the computer servers before, but least we are aware of the differences between a dedicated server and a normal server. Although they perform almost the same functions, connecting the computers and transferring the information. But, to enable their work, they need a host, which created the difference between them.

Learn the basics and advanced features of dedicated Hosting in the upcoming sections.

Details about Dedicated Server:

If you have scrolled down the servers to get your website listed, you might have come across various options, all of them better than the others, but with their hidden limitations.

As the name itself says, a Dedicated Server is a server fully dedicated to your website and only its needs. In a shared server, you need to share the platform with multiple accounts, and the resources being limited are also shared. Whereas in the dedicated server, all the resources are entirely dedicated to your website's workings, and if you have more work load related to graphics you can always chose a dedicated GPU Server, both dedicated server and gpu server have no other accounts have access to operate them.

This thus results in the increased reliability, security, and speed. Quoting in simple words, you are the sole owner of the platform and have full control over its hardware configuration, how it sets up, and some customized software options.

What is the Need for Dedicated Server?

A Dedicated Server can be well explained as the owner with full ownership of the house. A shared hosting server can be explained as the rented and shared apartment, with access to all the resources but in a limited number.

Dedicated Server is thus the best amongst the options available and the highest performance options in hosting. It allows you to have faster connection speeds, 24/7 Uptime, maintenance on the fly, and fewer virus attacks.

Not only for website hosting, but this Server is also multifunctional. It can also be used to host game servers or any other activities requiring multiple computers to read and store files.

What are the Types of Dedicated Servers?

There are widely two types of Dedicated Servers:

Managed Dedicated Servers: 

Managed Dedicated Hosting is a feature offered by hosting companies. They will actively be part of its management, be it about its upgrades or the installations of the apps. They will only be responsible for the web hosting plan's management. They will handle certain factors for you:

1. Backups- Backups are the most important part of the website. In case your data get vanished from the platform, you will have it in your backup drive. You need to strongly have it, ensuring that the data is safely secured. In the Managed Hosting plan, the hosting company will be delivering this service for you; they will get the backups and maintain it safe to be referred for the website restoration in case of data loss.

2. Security- Security is the most important aspect of the website to ensure that your data is safe and secured. Managed Hosting Companies will ensure your data safety and also will be responsible for the same. They regularly conduct malware scams and also deals instantly with the detected problems. They will also optimize the configurations for your website, ensuring maximum safety.

3. Support- Although customer service support is provided both with the managed and unmanaged hosting plans, not all companies. Some of them will offer brilliant services even in unmanaged hosting plans, whereas others will not. Managed Hosting plans help you to be ahead in this support line.

Unmanaged Dedicated Servers:

Unmanaged Dedicated Hosting can be referred to as the hosting plan of Default Type. In this, only the purchase of the pan is what matters the most. After the purchase, the hosting company does not have any further involvement say in management. The company will provide you with the operating systems and the server resources, and that's all in the part of their deliveries.

Rest all, be it the upgradation of the website, security, performance, maintenance, and installation of Base Softwares like Apache and PHP. All these need to be performed by the customers only.

What are the benefits of Dedicated Hosting Plans?

Being one of the best servers, there are numerous benefits provided in the same. Scroll down to reveal the details and facts!

Security and Control: 

One of the prominent factors of the dedicated hosting server is the security and control over your data. Suppose your website is for the regulated industry where you need to maintain the privacy of shared customer's data. In that case, you cannot afford the risk of shared hosting servers sharing the data with other companies. Therefore, it would be best if you eliminated the possibility of any other firms interfering in your data. Another risk with shared servers is the possibility of one of the shared accounts being spam or the malicious website.

They are known for spreading viruses, making your website prone to security issues. There are chances that it might shut down suddenly if the authorities seize the server hardware in the presence of shared scam websites. If your website is responsible for handling credit card transactions, you need to ensure end-to-end data encryption, which is only possible with dedicated servers.

There is a Unique IP Address with each Server that is too shared in the shared Hosting, and in case of the presence of any scam website, this might impact your platform too, degrading its rating being one of the common consequences.

Dedicated Server Hosting thus ensured the highest level of securities, assuring the protection of your and your customer's data. In addition, you will have full control over your website, with no other interference.

No Sharing:

The first line we used to describe dedicated server hosting is that you are the owner of all the resources and need not share them with anyone else. In shared Hosting, there are chances thar if the website's scripts are not too good, it can also impact the performance of your website. In a dedicated server, you need not share the resources with any other accounts, eliminating the risk of degraded websites due to the other platforms.

Increased Speed:

You can improve the SEO for your website with dedicated hosting servers responsible for the top rankings. Also, no sharing of the data ensured less space consumption, leading to a better and faster speed.

What are the Factors to be considered while choosing the plans for dedicated Hosting?

Now that you have gained the clarity of the benefits of a dedicated hosting server scroll down to know some points you must consider while finalizing your plans.

The selection of plan mainly depends on the storage space you will need, the power behind your processors, the bandwidth you will be needed, and whether you need a specific operating system. These all factors will help you choose the perfect plan as per your requirements.

Also, while choosing the provides for the dedicated Hosting, you need to check out their server stability, security factors, customization services, and the customer support services provided by them.


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